Whether for technical manuals, marketing texts, product catalogues, contracts, business reports, brochures or other text formats, nowadays these documents must frequently be adapted for the global markets and translated for the respective fields into various languages. Those translations are called technical translations.
In order to continuously improve the company’s services, Kocarek GmbH is a member of various associations and organisations. We were therefore a founding member of Qualitätssprachendienst Deutschland e.V. (QSD), and through this a member of EUATC, the European umbrella organisation for translation companies. We also expand our skills as a member of the American ALC (Association of Language Companies) and tekom, the German professional association for technical documentation and communication.
The continually increasing number of products available worldwide is resulting in an increased demand for technical translations on the global markets. This is why many translators call themselves technical translators even though they’re not, because analogously to the term translator, the term technical translator is not protected. Our technical translators have a sound education. In contrast to professional technical translators, translators not specialised in specific areas easily lose track when translating technical texts with their limited knowledge.
Technical translations require proper understanding of the source text and precise translation of the content of particular subject areas. Among those subject areas are law, technology, economy, sociology, psychology, natural sciences as well as theology. The technical language in all of those subject areas consists mostly of complex special terminology and that explains why translators needs to have considerable expertise in one area. Technical translators have profound knowledge in their areas of expertise gained through many years of experience and a university degree. In addition to linguistic knowledge, which is the basis for every translation, technical knowledge is of great importance in technical translation. Translators must be familiar with certain technical terms and keep up to date. So they should keep on reading specialised literature and journals. Knowing the current state of knowledge and research facilitates the production of a technical translation which strongly depends on the understanding of the context. This is the only way of producing a precise and correct translation. Usually technical translators translate from a foreign language into their native language, thus being able to adapt the translation for the respective target group and according to the local conventions. Ambiguous or incorrect translations in the area of law or medicine are useless and may even cause damage and harm.
For almost 40 years now, we have been producing translations for different subject areas and developed complex and technology-based processes over the years. We always work with modern Translation Memory Systems which clearly optimise the translation process, and with experienced professional use also the quality of the technical translations.
We use different systems and additionally utilise many other supplementary programs and tools that we have developed in-house. Using Translation Memory Systems, the translator is able to incorporate the developed customer- and industry-specific terminology into the technical translation. In this way, previously translated texts and created terminology lists are available for follow-up orders. This procedure does not only improve the quality of technical translations, it reduces costs at the same time.
We do not only produce technical translations for companies, but also support them throughout the entire project organisation process for all matters relating to “international communication”. We therefore work jointly with our customers in planning the processes before, during and after the production of the technical translations. It is not only our modern range of IT facilities that plays an important role here, but also our in-house translation department. Kocarek GmbH has access to the entire value-creation chain in-house.
International communications include texts in a wide range of formats from many different applications. Whether software texts, Office documents, LATEX, InDesign, QuarkXPress, FrameMaker, QuickSilver, TYPO3, PDF, XML or fax – we will be pleased to process these in the original format.
Furthermore, we maintain our customers’ texts and terminologies in order to ensure consistency and accuracy in future technical translations.
Our certifications from DEKRA under the strict international standards for translation servicesISO 17100 and quality management ISO 9001are just one form of proof that we put quality first.
Do you need professional and prestigious technical translations? How can we help you? We will be happy to advise you!
We will give you a free quotation, with no obligation on your part. Simply send us the text, or a description of the service required.
Are your files too large to send by email? Then you will get access to the secure in-house Kocarek Cloud.
We are certified under the international standard for translation services ISO 17100.
We are certified under the international quality management standard ISO 9001.